Bachelor of Computer Information Systems
Information is Power
The B.S. in Computer Information Systems (CIS) prepares students for IS development and support careers in business and government.
Graduates of this program are not only technically competent, but understand how to use information technology to facilitate business success. Courses include projects designed to enhance critical thinking, oral and written communications, and teamwork skills. Students are introduced to ethical and global issues by studying CIS business cases. Typical employment for graduates includes systems analysis, system administration, and application or web development.
- Business Application Development Concentration
- Computer Programming Concentration
- Cybersecurity Concentration
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Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
As the world's largest business education alliance, AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and professional development services to over 1,500 member organizations and more than 785 accredited business schools worldwide.
With its global headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA; Europe, Middle East, and Africa headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore, AACSB’s mission is to foster engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify impact in business education.
For more information, visit
Admissions Information
Toggle More InfoAdmissions Information for the 2024-2025 Catalog Year
If you are not yet an FGCU student, visit the Admissions Office Website
If you are a newly-admitted FGCU student please be sure to sign up for an Eagle View Orientation session. As part of this session you will be meeting with an academic advisor who will assist you in registering for classes for your major.
Admission Deadlines
Visit the Admissions Office Web site for information on admission deadlines of the university.
Program Requirements
Toggle More InfoProgram Requirements for the 2024-2025 Catalog Year
The General Education Program Website is located at
Program Progression and Additional Graduation Requirements
Degree-seeking students are classified as pre-majors prior to formal transition into a Lutgert College of Business (LCOB) major. As pre-majors, students may enroll in lower division (1000-2999 level) courses to satisfy general education and common prerequisite requirements; lower level electives; and business common core courses, except GEB 4890, if course prerequisites are met. Pre-majors may not enroll in upper division (3000-4999 level) courses for the major.
Transition from a LCOB pre-major to a major happens following (a) completion of all common prerequisites with a minimum grade of C or higher in each course; and (b) completion of 50 earned credits of courses with a minimum FGCU GPA of 2.0.
For timely degree completion, FTIC (First Time in College) students are expected to complete the following:
- MAC 1105 with a minimum grade of B (or relevant accelerated credit or placement exam) or MAC 1147 with minimum grade of B (or relevant accelerated credit or placement exam) (for programming concentration), ECO 2023 or ECO 2013 with minimum grade of C, one additional common prerequisite, and an overall 2.4 FGCU GPA within one calendar year from admission.
- Four common prerequisites by the end of the third semester (excluding summer) from admission
- Seven common prerequisites and an overall 2.7 FGCU GPA by the end of the fourth semester (excluding summer) from admission
- FIN 3403 with minimum grade of C by the end of the sixth semester (excluding summer) from admission
For timely degree completion, transfer students are expected to complete the following:
- Seven common prerequisites and an overall 2.7 FGCU GPA by the end of the third semester (excluding summer) from admission
- FIN 3403 with minimum grade of C by the end of the fifth semester (excluding summer) from admission
Students should refer to the Curriculum Map for milestone information. Curriculum maps for each major can be found at
In addition to the program requirements, students must:- Earn a grade of C or higher in the common prerequisites, business common core, required courses in the major, and restricted electives/concentration.
- Complete a minimum of 48 of the last 120 credits at the upper division (3000-4999 level).
- Complete the last 30 credits of business courses at FGCU.
- Complete a minimum of 12 credits of courses in the major at FGCU.
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all coursework attempted at FGCU.
- Satisfy the College-Level Skills and foreign language entrance requirements.
- Satisfy Service-Learning requirement.
- Satisfy the Civic Literacy requirement.
- Complete the standardized business knowledge assessment exam administered during the last semester in GEB 4890 Business Strategy.
- Complete the summer course enrollment requirement.
- Submit an Application for Graduation by the deadline listed in the FGCU Academic Calendar.
Program Requirements
- FGCU General Education Program (
To prevent or minimize excess hours, select general education courses that satisfy common prerequisite requirements for your intended major. - Common Prerequisites
For this major, common prerequisite courses with an asterisk (*) require prior knowledge and skills demonstrated through degree acceleration programs (e.g., the College Board's Advanced Placement Program [AP], International Baccalaureate Program [IB], College-Level Examination Program [CLEP], Advanced International Certificate of Education Program [AICE]); dual enrollment; placement exam; or college coursework.
FGCU Course: ACG 2021 Intro. to Financial Acctg. (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: ACGX021 or ACGX022 or (ACGX001 and ACGX011)
FGCU Course: ACG 2071 Intro. to Managerial Acctg.(3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: ACGX071 or ACGX301
FGCU Course: CGS 1100 Computer Software & Technology (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: CGSX100 or CGSX100C or CGSX570 or CGSX060 or CGSX531 or CGSX000 or ISMX000 or CGSX518
(Note: Select COP 1500 Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Programming Concentration)
FGCU Course: ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: ECOX013
FGCU Course: ECO 2023 Principles of Microeconomics (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: ECOX023
FGCU Course: *MAC 2233 Elementary Calculus I (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: MACX233 or MACX311
[Prerequisites of MAT 1033 minimum grade of C then MAC 1105 minimum grade of B; or relevant accelerated credit; or placement exam]
FGCU Course: STA 2023 Statistical Methods (3) Minimum grade of C
Acceptable Substitute: STAX023 or STAX122 or QMBX100 - Business Common Core (27 credits)
A minimum grade of C is required in each course
BUL 3130 Legal & Ethical Enviro of Bus (3)
ENC 3250 Professional Writing (3) or GEB 3523 Critical Think&Writing for Bus (3)
FIN 3403 Business Finance (3)
GEB 4890 Business Strategy (capstone) (3)
ISM 3011 Information Systems (3)
MAN 3025 Principles of Management (3)
MAR 3023 Introduction to Marketing (3)
SCM 3005 Supply Chain Management (3)
SPC 2023 Public Speaking (3) or GEB 3085 Professional Development (3) - Required Courses in the Major (15 credits)
A minimum grade of C is required in each course
ISM 3113 Systems Analysis & Design (3)
ISM 3212 Database Concepts & Admin (3)
ISM 4323 Network Security (3)
ISM 4915 Information Systems Project (3)
QMB 3302 Business Analytics (3) - Restricted Electives in the Major/Concentration (12-15 credits)
Select one of the following groupings:
No concentration noted on transcript
ISM 3230 Introduction Bus Programming (3)
Select an additional 9 credits of approved upper division (3000-4999 level) electives in Computer Information Systems from the following list: ISM 3053; 3400; 4094; 4263; 4324; 4572; 4905; 4930; 4941. (Other upper division (3000-4999 level) courses with a Computer Information Systems focus may be considered to meet the elective requirement - see college advisor/student success counselor).
Business Application Development Concentration
ISM 3053 Mobile App Development (3)
ISM 3230 Introduction Bus Programming (3)
ISM 4263 Cloud Solution Architectures (3)
Select an additional 6 credits of approved upper division (3000-4999 level) electives in CIS
Computer Programming Concentration
MAC 2312 Calculus II (4)
COP 2006 Programming I (3)
COP 3003 Object-Oriented Programming (3)
ISM 3053 Mobile App Development (3)
Cybersecurity Concentration
ISM 3230 Introduction Bus Programming (3)
ISM 3371 Secure Business Applications (3)
ISM 4324 Computer Forensics (3)
ISM 4373 Ethical Hacking for Business (3)
Select an additional 3 credits of approved upper division (3000-4999 level) electives in CIS - University Requirements (3 credits)
Select one of the following:
IDS 3920 University Colloquium (3)
Or at least 3 credits in sustainability coursework (SCGR Attribute) - Additional Electives - as needed to reach total credits required for the degree
Total Credits Required: 120
Degree Map
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Course Description
Toggle More InfoOfficial Course Descriptions
Search for official course descriptions by using the Course Description Search utility.
Go to the Course Descriptions Search Web page, then follow these steps:
- Select an Academic Year from the TERM dropdown (required)
- Select a course prefix from one of the SUBJECT dropdowns (required)
- Enter search words in the TEXT field (optional, but will narrow the search results)
- Press Search
Course Schedule
Toggle More InfoGetting started with the Course Schedule Search
Search for program courses by using the Course Schedule Search utility.
Go to the Course Schedule Search Web page, then follow these steps:
- Select an Academic Year from the TERM dropdown (required)
- Select one or more of the search options to narrow your results (for example, CAMPUS, COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, LEVEL, PREFIX*, COURSEATTRIBUTE**). For virtual or web courses, select VIRTUAL in the CAMPUS field.
- Press Search.
*A course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline (for example, ACG for Accounting , BSC for Biological Science, ENC for English Composition). See the Degree Requirements page for a list of courses (with prefix and number) that can be used to fulfill degree requirements.
**A course attribute identifies specific characteristics of courses that can be used in a Degree Evaluation to satisfy a degree requirement. (Course attribute examples are Humanities courses - GEHM and Social Science courses - GESO.)
Learning Outcomes
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Consistent with its mission and guiding principles, Florida Gulf Coast University is committed to academic excellence and continuous quality improvement, as supported by a sound teaching-learning process. Within this process, students and instructors share responsibility for learning that is a movement from the simple to the complex, the concrete to the abstract, and the dependent to the independent. The Academic Learning Compact (ALC) initiative supports the teaching-learning process by clearly identifying expected core student learning outcomes in the areas of content/discipline knowledge and skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills; aligning curricula with expectations; and using assessment to guide continuous improvement.
Content/Discipline Knowledge and Skills
Graduates will be able to:- Evaluate current and emerging information technologies.
- Apply techniques & methods of current and emerging IS development and operations practices.
Computer Information Systems content/discipline knowledge and skills are assessed at the college and departmental levels through assignments such as papers, projects, and tests in courses such as ISM 3053, ISM 3113, ISM 3212, and ISM 4154.
Additionally, all LCOB students must complete the business core with the following learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate knowledge of ethical frameworks in business.
- Demonstrate knowledge of global factors influencing business.
- Demonstrate knowledge of corporate social responsibility, including environmental responsibility, frameworks.
- Understand main concepts & definitions in accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing, & operations management.
- Demonstrate the integration of knowledge across disciplines.
These are assessed using assignments such as papers, projects, and tests in courses such as BUL 3130 (or BUL 3320 or HFT 3670), GEB 4890, FIN 3403, MAR 3023, and other undergraduate business courses.
Communication Skills
Graduates will be able to:- Organize and communicate in written, oral, and graphic form.
Communication skills are assessed at the college and departmental levels through assignments such as papers, projects, and tests in courses such as GEB 4890, ISM 3113, ISM 4154, and SCM 3005.
Additionally, all LCOB students must complete the business core with the following learning outcomes:
- Prepare effective written reports.
- Deliver effective oral presentations.
These are assessed using assignments such as papers, projects, and tests in courses such as FIN 3403, GEB 4890, MAR 3023 and other undergraduate business courses.
Critical Thinking Skills
Graduates will be able to:- Identify business and IT challenges and opportunities and prepare IT solutions.
- Use data analytical techniques to make evidence-based decisions.
- Evaluate ethical use and dissemination of data, including privacy and security of data.
Critical thinking skills are assessed at the college and departmental levels through assignments such as papers, projects, and tests in courses such as ISM 3113, ISM 4154, ISM 4323, and QMB 3302.
Additionally, all LCOB students must complete the business core with the following learning outcomes:
- Solve business problems using analytical tools.
- Apply critical thinking skills to business problems.
Critical thinking skills are assessed by assignments such as papers, projects, and tests in courses such as FIN 3403, GEB 4890, and other undergraduate business courses.
Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance
Toggle More InfoTuition and Fees
Information on Tuition, Fees, and estimated total Cost of Attendance is available on the Student Account Services website.
Financial Aid Opportunities
Visit the Financial Aid website for information about grants, additional scholarships, loans, and student employment.
Graduation Requirements / ETS Major Field Test in Business
Toggle More InfoGraduation Information:
Information regarding Graduation Requirements, the Application to Graduate, and the graduation process may be found at
ETS Major Field Test in Business:
As a Lutgert College of Business senior enrolled in GEB 4890 (Business Strategy) this semester, you are required to participate in the ETS Major Field Test for Business. The exam contains 120 multiple-choice questions designed to measure a student's subject knowledge and the ability to apply facts, concepts, theories and analytical methods. Some questions are grouped in sets and based on diagrams, charts and data tables. The questions represent a wide range of difficulty and cover depth and breadth in assessing students' achievement levels.
For further information on the ETS Exam, please see ETS Major Field Tests (a description of the test, published by ETS).
The ETS Major Field Test is a graduation requirement. All potential graduation candidates must register online at to complete the ETS Exam with the FGCU Testing and Assessment Office.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance,
please call the LCOB Office of Student Affairs at (239) 590-7302. -
Destination FGCU Transfer Program
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