Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs

Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs 

Faculty-led programs are credit-bearing study abroad opportunities developed, taught, and led by Florida Gulf Coast University faculty and or staff, and are managed by the FGCU Study Abroad Office. These programs feature courses instructed by FGCU faculty that include a travel component. They are typically offered during the Spring and Summer semesters. Spots are limited in these courses and students must apply by the application deadline listed for each program.  Note:  Course information, travel dates and pricing are subject to change.

Application Process for Faculty Led Programs

  • Apply to an FLSA Program

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  • Attend the required interview(s).

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  • After the interview

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Campeche, Mexico

Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language

Embark on an enriching journey to Campeche and immerse yourself in the vibrant Mexican culture while teaching the English language.  

Travel dates: May 25 - 31, 2025

Course:  ENG 4940 (English Internship)

Faculty Leaders: Barbara Wright & Joyce LaOrden

Estimated Program Fee:  $50.00 (Airfare and Cost of Tuition are not included - cost subject to change)


Picture of Campeche, Mexico.

San Jose, Costa Rica

Costa Rica Business Immersion

This project-based course focuses on identifying solutions to real world business problems. Visit Costa Rican companies and hear about their successes and challenges, learn how to work as part of a diverse team, collaborate on a project to generate innovative outcomes and present your solutions to leading business officials. Participants will also explore social and cultural sites in San Jose and surrounding areas.

Travel dates: June 14- June 22, 2025

Course(s): GEB6895 (Subject to change)

Faculty Leaders: Dr. Jase Ramsey & Dr. Ashley Mandeville

Estimated Program Fee: $3,080.00 (Airfare and Cost of Tuition are not included)

Enrollment restricted to online Master's of Business Administration students.


Picture of San Jose, Costa Rica.

Bangkok, Thailand

Survey of International Music Therapy and Music Teaching Practices

Explore international clinical music therapy and music teaching practices with a focus on Thailand. Work with clients and families of diverse backgrounds and needs in a variety of clinical settings. Examine cross cultural differences as related to referral, service delivery, and clinical outcomes of clients.

Travel dates: May 20 - July 4, 2025

Course(s): MUS 4930

Faculty Leaders: Dr. Kimberly Sena Moore & Dena Register

Estimated Program Fee: $3,100.00 (Airfare and Cost of Tuition are not included). 

Enrollment restricted to music therapy and music education students. 


Picture of Bangkok, Thailand.


Art, Life & Time in Italy-Multiple Locations

Explore the central heartland of Italy with visits to Tuscania, Florence and Rome while examining the complex interrelationships between art, life, and time! Follow the evolution of material and spiritual practice from the Etruscan, Roman and Early Christian eras, through the major cultural developments of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, and onward to the contemporary legacies of this extraordinary history. Special attention focused on environmental sustainability including site visits and activities from local/organic agricultural production to papal encyclicals written by Pope Francis on the environment and human ecology.

Travel dates: May 18– June 1, 2025

Course(s): ARH XXXX

Faculty Leaders: Patricia Fay & Dr. Maria Roca

Estimated Program Fee: $3800.00 (Cost of Airfare & Tuition are not included).

Enrollment restricted to art and integrated studies majors. Students with substantial curricular preparation will also be considered based on faculty recommendation.

Preference may be given to students in Art or Integrated Studies 


Picture of Florence, Italy.

Lima, Peru

Study Abroad in Business 

Explore the institutional environment of Peru and its implications for the global competitiveness of the local economy and its indigenous firms as well as US firms expanding to and operating in Peru. Emphasis will be on the political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, technological, historical, geographic and ecological factors in Peru, the importance and relevance of the country for trade, investments, global supply chain management, agribusiness, and their implications for global business. 

Travel dates: May 5-May 11, 2025

Course(s):  GEB3956   

Faculty Leaders: Dr. Daniel Rottig & Dr. Alexandre Magnier

Estimated Program Fee: $1900 (Airfare and Tuition not included).

Preference for students  majoring in management with a concentration in international business, minoring in International Business, majoring in Agricultural Business or Supply Chain Management, and Master's of Business Administration students. 


Picture of Lima, Peru.

Italy, Germany, Switzerland

Comparative Healthcare Delivery Systems

Explore the history of the development of healthcare, how the healthcare system has evolved over time, the role of government in healthcare, the relationship between culture and health, and the current trends and state of healthcare in this introductory program. Immerse yourself in the challenges and solutions to healthcare in Europe which include healthcare delivery, organization models, funding models, workforce issues, and outcomes. Gain an in-depth view of European healthcare through discussions, guest lectures from healthcare professionals and site visits to healthcare facilities in each country. Open to all majors - No pre-requisites.

Travel dates: May 11-May 24, 2025

Course(s): HSA3124

Faculty Leaders: Dr. Lesley Clack & Tina Mullins

Estimated Program Fee: $4,000.00 (Airfare and Cost of Tuition are not included).

No major or prerequisite enrollment restrictions.


Picture of Switzerland.