Make Your Education Count in the Professional World
Our coursework helps sharpen critical thinking as well as financial skills
Accounting is the systematic recording, presentation and interpretation of financial records. It is sometimes called the “language of business” because knowledge of accounting is essential in a number of related fields. Accounting is a field that is in demand and one in which graduates can continue to grow and progress inside a company.
There are many different positions in the accounting field. Careers range from entry level to upper management. Many accounting majors advance to senior management positions, become partners in accounting practices or even become chief financial officers of companies. Others use their accounting knowledge to help them become successful in related fields such as finance, law and education.
Its principles are crucial to a wide range of applications, from government and industry to aiding the public and service organizations. Technical competence as well as business professional skills are basic requirements in this field.
FGCU accounting students are required to use a variety of technology tools in class assignments. Courses include projects designed to enhance critical thinking, oral and written communications and teamwork skills; and foster awareness of diversity, ethical and global issues.
In addition to a bachelor of science degree, FGCU offers a master’s degree in accounting and taxation.

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Accounting & Taxation (M.S.)
Involvement Beyond the Classroom
Explore student and professional organizations for Accounting students.
Provides students with information about careers in Accounting and about current issues facing the accounting profession.
Honorary organization for Financial Information (accounting, finance and computer information systems) students and professionals.
Achieve both personal and professional development in the fields of Accounting and Finance.
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