1. Assessment: Educational leaders use varied and multiple methods in a cyclical process to reach
sustainable learning and organizational outcomes. Educational leaders assess and analyze
progress in order to make data-based decisions to improve learning in order to support
and to sustain continuous growth of students, staff, and the organization at all levels.
2. Communication: Educational leaders demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships as they effectively
counsel, supervise, and lead diverse groups of students, staff, parents, and advocates
verbally and nonverbally. Educational leaders communicate relevant and accurate information,
respecting privacy and confidentiality at all times to promote the sustainability
and improvement of the organization.
3. Continuous Improvement: Educational leaders are instrumental in managing and influencing their professional
environments by conferring and collaborating with colleagues and supervisors about
the most current content knowledge and pedagogy. Educational leaders practice self-reflection
and monitoring of their professional knowledge and dispositions while contributing
to sustainable activities of professional associations.
4. Critical Thinking: Educational Leaders think critically about complex issues, use problem solving techniques,
and make informed decisions about all issues that help to sustain and improve the
organization and the community. In addition, they challenge students, staff, and colleagues
to think critically through clarification and justification of their ideas.
5. Diversity: Educational leaders promote the sustainable success of all students, staff, colleagues,
and the community through strategies of acceptance and promotion of all students and
their families. Educational leaders collaborate with, and respond to, the diverse
needs of the community, mobilize community resources, and exemplify inclusion in all
aspects of educational, community, and personal actions.
6. Ethics and Professional Behavior: Educational leaders exemplify integrity, honesty, responsibility and equitable treatment,
as they maintain confidentiality and protect all members of the organization from
harm. Educational leaders work collaboratively with all stakeholders and serve as
role models. Educational leaders embrace their role of upholding standards, being
accountable, promoting sustainability, and supporting legal and ethical behaviors
within the organization.
7. Human Development: Educational leaders develop learning objectives, recruit and retain personnel, and
make organizational decisions based on knowledge of research and relevant theories
of human developmental characteristics and learning styles, philosophies, and the
multiple influences that impact learning.
8. High Quality Instruction: Educational leaders model and evaluate the delivery of effective and innovative
instruction, aligned with theory, and ensuring that knowledge is accessible to all.
Educational leaders build on prior knowledge, emphasize connections, and value high
expectations for all.
9. Learning Environment: Educational leaders create, organize, and maintain a safe and effective learning environment,
use differentiated methods to meet diverse needs, and provide opportunities for participation,
experience, growth, productivity, and connectivity. Educational leaders support the
organization's programs and personnel and implement sustainable policies and procedures
fairly and consistently.
10. Planning: Educational leaders plan sustainable programs based on qualitative and quantitative
data to improve student achievement and organizational outcomes. Educational leaders
work collaboratively with stakeholders to monitor student, staff, and organizational
11. Subject Matter Expertise: Educational leaders are masters in their areas of specialization. Educational leaders
use current research to achieve excellence and sustainability for personal and
organizational professional learning.
12. Technology: Educational leaders model and promote the integration of technological and electronic
tools in teaching, learning, management, research, and communication. Educational
leaders continually use technology as a tool for sustainable improvement of the organization.
13. Vision: Educational leaders are committed to high standards and expectations of learning.
Their personal vision guides the sustainable growth and future health of the organization.
Educational leaders possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop, articulate,
and implement a shared vision that is supported by the larger organization and the
school community.