Federal Financial Aid Regulations Require That Students Who Receive Federal Title IV Aid Must Complete an Academically Related Activity in Each Course in Which They Are Enrolled Prior to the Disbursement of Their Financial Aid. In Compliance With Federal Regulations FGCU Financial Aid and Scholarships Will Be Disbursed Only After All Attendance (every Course) Has Been Confirmed for the Term of Enrollment.
In Order to Accomplish This, Students Must Complete an Academically Related Activity (assignment) Via Canvas.

Examples of acceptable evidence of attendance at an academically related activity include:
- submitting an academic assignment
- taking an exam/quiz
- submission of an academic assignment or exam
- documented participation in an interactive tutorial
- posting by the student showing participation in an online study group assigned by the instructor
- post by the student in a discussion forum showing participation in an online discussion about academic matters
This assignment should be listed as due at the end of the first week of classes, but it should remain open throughout the term. This will allow to complete the assignment and receive a late disbursement without causing extra work for the faculty member. The confirmation of attendance via an academically related activity is required for all students, not only those receiving financial aid.
Faculty Resources
For assistance on how to create an assignment in Canvas to verify attendance go to How to create an assignment in Canvas to verify attendance
Student Resources
Instructions to complete an assignment in Canvas to satisfy the attendance requirement:
- Login to Canvas
- Identify if an academic activity (assignment) is available for you to complete. Do this for each of your registered courses.
- Examples of an academic activity are listed below, but are not limited to:
◾Quiz or survey
◾Assignment - The activity should be completed as soon as possible in order to prevent a delay in the disbursement of your financial aid and scholarships.
Instructions to check Financial Aid holds on Gulfline:
- Login to Gulfline
- Click Student & Financial Aid
- Click Financial Aid
- Click My Requirements
- Click Holds
- Select Aid Year