Course Delivery


What are Traditional Courses?

  • Traditional courses are classes where faculty and students meet on-campus at FGCU in an assigned room according to the schedule posted in Gulfline.
  • Instruction occurs together in the classroom with social distancing.


What are Online Courses?

  • Online courses are classes where instruction occurs via Canvas or an equivalent learning platform. Faculty and students will not meet face-to-face.
  • Instruction is asynchronous and no classroom is assigned.

Synchronous Online - SYNC

What are Synchronous Online Courses?

  • Synchronous Online courses are classes where instruction occurs online via Canvas or an equivalent learning platform with synchronous meetings delivered through a web conferencing platform.
  • No classroom assigned.
  • Instruction is synchronous and no classroom is assigned.

Hybrid - HYBR

What are Hybrid Courses?

  • Hybrid courses are classes that mix both required scheduled on-campus meetings as listed in Gulfline and online instruction.
  • Some instruction occurs on-campus in the classroom as listed on Gulfline and some instruction will be delivered online either asynchronously or synchronously.

BlendFlex - BFLX

What are BlendFlex Courses?

  • BlendFlex courses are classes where instructors and students meet on-campus at regularly scheduled times as listed on Gulfline with instructors assigning students into groups that rotate between on-campus meetings and online synchronous or asynchronous meetings. Specific groups and meeting information will be provided on the course syllabus.
  • Live instruction happens with some students attending on-campus and the other students attending virtually


What are FLEX Courses?

  • FLEX courses are classes delivered using both face-to-face and remote modalities that allows students to choose whether to participate face-to-face or remote.  Students may switch between modalities during the term.  


Q:  Where can I find information about minimum technology requirements for students?

A:  Please see link below that provides minimum technology requirements for students: Minimum Technology Requirements for Students. Instructor may require additional technology to meet the needs of their course. This information will be listed in the course syllabus.

Q:  What are the course search attributes for the new delivery methods? 

A:  SYNC for Synchronous Online, HYBR for Hybrid, and BFLX for BlendFlex.

Q:  What is the difference between Synchronous Learning and Asynchronous Learning? 

A:  Synchronous learning is online learning that occurs in real time, whereas asynchronous learning uses online methodology but without real-time interaction.  In a Synchronous course, the instructor and students are logged on at the same time during certain designated “class times”, and interact live, similar to face- to-face class meetings.  In an Asynchronous course, the instructor and students are not expected to be logged on at the same time.  Students and/or instructor interact through the learning platform primarily via email and/or messaging. Real-time conferencing can occur through voluntary arrangements, but are generally not required.

Q:  If I am thinking about changing my existing courses to entirely different courses, should I talk to my academic advisor first?

A:  Yes, if you are looking to make significant changes to your course schedule, please discuss this with your advisor first so that you can be certain you are continuing to meet the requirements for your major. 

Q:  Will there be adjustments in tuition and fees for different course delivery modes?

 A:  Tuition and fees will be the same for all modes of course delivery.