Peers Care

Peers Care

We are a group of undergraduate students who are trained as Peer Educators on various topics related to student health. Peer Educators share health and wellness information with other students in fun and engaging ways. 


Who are Peer Educators?

  • Individuals who are committed to sharing knowledge with their peers
  • Individuals who creatively and engagingly inform their peers of their knowledge
  • Peer Educators are NOT counseling professionals
  • They allow for their peers to take their knowledge to make better informed decisions
  • They are open-minded and accepting of differences
  • Peer Educators are a referral source for students on campus 

Our Mission:

To promote a wellness-based lifestyle for all Florida Gulf Coast University students through education and leadership. Our job is to provide students with information to they can be informed consumers and have resources as they make decisions about their health. The education we provide is done in a spirit of advocacy – and in this case, advocacy means empowering students to use accurate information along with interpersonal skills to make better choices for themselves.

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