A computer with an internet connection, and the software necessary to use the Internet
to communicate and access information/resources are fundamental to participating effectively
as a distance learner.
Access to and on-going use of a computer is required for all students. Florida Gulf
Coast University. While the university offers access to computer software through
its physical and virtual computer labs, most students will be expected to own a computer.
The cost of meeting this requirement may be included in financial considerations.
*Please note: Individual colleges may have their own computing requirements. Please
talk to your college to see if your college has additional requirements.
Special software may be required for a course. Search for your course(s) in the Online
Course Schedule at to see what text book, software, or other materials may be required. The instructor
for the course and the bookstore can also provide this information.
Many classroom applications are available off campus. To see what is available where,
please visit: