Used for adjunct faculty who are hired part-time to teach a specific course. Adjunct positions should not be used for full-time faculty or staff who are teaching
a course in addition to their regular workload.
Pay: Salary, max compensation is $1,033.33 per credit hour
Used for adjunct faculty who are hired part-time to teach a Summer A, Summer B, or
Summer C course. Only use when paid from a unique budget index for summer semester.
Pay: Salary, max compensation is $1,033.33 per credit hour
Used for student scholarly positions. Job duties must meet FLSA guidelines to be
considered scholarly activities. Examples of approved scholarly positions include:
- Teaching Assistants where the primary duty is teaching as the CRN instructor of record
- Instructional Assistants where the primary duty is to assist students and the instructor
of record in the classroom
- Research Assistants where the student is engaged in original, professional-level research
that is primarily for the purpose of supplementing the student’s educational experience
Pay: Stipend, exempt from FLSA salary threshhold
These positions are used for summer student scholarly positions being paid from summer
budget indexes. Summer scholarly positions must meet the same FSLA criteria as regular
student scholarly positions as defined above.
Pay: Stipend
Summer non-scholarly positions for all other undergraduate, graduate, and non-student
positions paid from unique summer budget indexes. Summer positions paid from regular
budget indexes would use the Txxxxx position numbers.
Pay: Typically hourly but occasionally stipend
Non-scholarly positions for undergraduate, graduate, and non-student positions. Each
position is designated as student, graduate student, or non-student. Please be careful when selecting a position number as the different positions have
implications on incomes taxes and benefits.
Pay: Typically hourly but occasionally salaried. Salaried positions must meet FLSA
salary threshhold.