CAS Strategic Planning

CAS Strategic Planning

The CAS Strategic Planning committee is charged to develop a broad, comprehensive, and collaborative strategic planning document that will guide the College of Arts and Science’s planning and decision-making processes. The committee will utilize the information gained from the college’s visioning and strategic planning Charrettes and align our plan within the University’s mission, vision, guiding principles to develop a shared vision for the college.

Chris EndrinalDuring the 2023-2024 academic year the committee will engaged with stakeholders across the college to establish the college’s strategic direction and develop long-range priorities in support of student, academic, and facility needs. This included meetings with departments and a college-wide charrette event in the spring. As a result this comprehensive and shared governance process, the committee produced a coherent and aspirational document that clearly aligns with the University’s mission and financial position and its long-range opportunities and priorities.

CAS STRATEGIC Implementation Plan Final

Committee Members: 

Name Department Email
Dr. Laura Frost CAS Associate Dean (Committee Chair and Administrative Representative)
Patricia Rice Core Skills Coordinator II (Alumni & Staff Representative/Administrative Support)
Dr. Derek Buzasi Chemistry & Physics (Ranked faculty member from STEM)
Dr. Christopher Endrinal Bower School of Music & the Arts (Ranked faculty member from Arts)
Vonetta E. Hardy CAS Advising (Staff & Advising Representative)
Dr. Sandra Pavelka Political Science and Public Administration (CGT and ranked faculty from Social Science)
Dr. Joanna Salapska-Gelleri Psychology (Department Chair Representative)
Dr. Michael Von Cannon Language & Literature (Instructor faculty member from Humanities)

Roles & Responsibilities of the Committee:

  • Responding (at minimum) to emails over summer, attend meetings when available.
  • Understanding the components of a strategic plan and the process.
  • Planning and hosting sessions to engaged identified stakeholder groups in the development of the objectives and goals for the institutional strategic plan, and providing feedback to those groups on a continuing basis, through a variety of fora.
  • Actively working with key college-wide committees such as CGT for feedback and dissemination.
  • Creating and sending out surveys.
  • Collecting and reviewing data.
  • Communicating with constituents and community.  
  • Ensuring a transparent and fair process.
  • Actively participating in the strategic planning committee.
  • Promoting and advocating for the plan to all stakeholders (internal and external).

Strategic Planning Process and Meeting Schedule

  • 4/20/23 Meeting: SWOC for GAP analysis

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  • 5/3/23 Meeting: Discussion of SWOC to create GAP analysis

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  • 6/27/23 Meeting: Discuss Strategic Plan Template

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  • 7/10/23 & 8/2/23 Meeting: Edit/Finalize Draft Strategic Plan Template

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  • 9/13/23

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  • 12/13/23

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  • 2/27/24

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  • 3/12/24

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  • 5/2/24

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