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Task Force Archive

 To accomplish this, the task force considered such matters as organizational change, new approaches and means of monitoring and other methods that would encourage students to complete their degrees and accelerate the pace at which they did so. On October 17, 2017 Florida Gulf Coast University President Michael V. Martin appointed the Student Success - Enrollment Management Action Task Force (SS-EMATF) consisting of members of the FGCU community.  Members of the Task Force include:
  • Dr. Mitch Cordova (Chair) – Dean, Marieb College of Health & Human Services
  • Dr. Andrew Cinoman –Director, New Student Programs
  • Dr. Brian Fisher – Director, Housing & Residence Life
  • Ms. Kathryn Kastler – Undergraduate Student, Exercise Science Program
  • Dr. Dawn Kirby – Dean, Undergraduate Studies
  • Mr. Dana LaBar – Project Director Talent Search
  • Mr. Marc Laviolette – Director, Undergraduate Admissions
  • Mr. Jorge Lopez – Director, Office of Financial Aid
  • Ms. Marisa Ouverson – Director of Enrollment Management, Lutgert College of Business
  • Dr. Russell Sabella – Professor, Department of Counseling
  • Dr. Paul Snyder – Senior Associate Provost & Associate Vice President for Planning and Institutional Performance
  • Ms. Lauren Strunk – Associate Director, Prevention & Wellness Services
  • Ms. Amy Swingle – Director, University Recreation & Wellness
The SS-EMATF also consulted with Dr. Pam Shockley-Zalabak which greatly guided the Task Force in its efforts throughout this process. The SS-EMATF was charged with considering, assessing, and recommending innovative and bold initiatives for continued improvement in student success and graduation rates. The SS-EMATF was asked to consider organizational change, new approaches, means of monitoring, and all other change that would increase students' completion rates as well as accelerating the pace to degree completion. The Task Force was also asked to consider work performed by various committees previously formed to address all aspects of student success.  Lastly, the SS-EMATF was asked to provide a number of short-term and long-term recommendations that align with the Student Success Pillar defined in FGCU's 2017-2022 Strategic Plan. 
  1. Student Success – Enrollment Management Action Task Force Florida Gulf Coast University Timeline and Process. The Student Success – Enrollment Management Action Task Force (SS-EMATF) met 9 times from October 30, 2017 to January 10, 2018 after the task force was officially formed October 17, 2017. 

    a. A majority of the meetings were two hours in length. 
    b. Three sub-groups were created that met numerous times between regularly scheduled task force meetings. 

  2. The SS-EMATF analyzed documents that created the Task Force on Student Success Report, which was completed May 5, 2017. These documents included recommendations developed by the following work groups: Student Progress, Faculty Involvement, and Advising. The group also analyzed documents created by previous committees relating to Student Engagement, Student Persistence, Enrollment Management and Online Education.

  3. The task force undertook a comprehensive analysis in which all of the items were identified and prioritized with respect to directly impacting retention and four-year graduation rate. 

  4. The SS-EMATF then added to the list additional areas of concern determined to be important to our charge, but that had not been identified in previous committee work. 

  5. A task force developed a taxonomy of areas that encompassed all things related to student success and enrollment management. 

    a. Multiple iterations of this taxonomy have been drafted over a 2-month period representing input from the entire task force where the following major areas/constructs were identified: admissions, academic engagement, student engagement, technology and communication, policies and procedures, structure and organization 

  6. The SS-EMATF then reduced the taxonomy areas to the following: 1) Academic Engagement, 2) Student Engagement, and 3) Enrollment Management. 

    a. Each task force member was assigned to one of these taxonomy workgroups that further fleshed out objectives that would contain short-term and long-term action items that will serve as our recommendations to President Martin. 

  7. The developed taxonomies guided the creation of three functional areas (e.g. academic engagement, student engagement, and enrollment management) that were used to establish a structural and functional framework of a Division of Student Success and Enrollment Management at FGCU. 

    a. Existing offices, programs, activities and entities at FGCU as well as potentially new areas were identified that were felt to best align within the three proposed main areas. 

  8. The SS-EMATF will provide President Martin a report on January 22, 2018 that will provide numerous objectives containing short-term and long-term recommendations that are aligned within the structural and functional framework that has been developed.
Division of Student Success and Enrollment Management
Proposed Structural and Functional Framework Guiding Principles and Assumptions:The following principles and assumptions guided the development of the conceptual structural and functional framework along with its objectives and recommendations:
  1. Established to directly support the Student Success Pillar of the 2017-2022 FGCU Strategic Plan.
  2. Established to allow for a new culture to be created that encompasses all aspects related to Student Success at FGCU.
  3. Established to align programs, services, and units that directly impact students' experience in a positive manner leading to timely graduation (e.g. 4 years) and the start of a promising career (e.g. gainful employment with a competitive salary or advanced program of study). 
  4. Identified offices (or new ones proposed in red) were aligned based on common functions so that opportunities and synergies for collaboration within 3 overarching constructs can be optimized.

    1. Each of the 3 main constructs within the proposed division are designed to maximize synergies of similar, existing university programs and services that impact student success.
    2. Established to create a cohesive division to oversee all aspects of enrollment management from recruitment to graduation.
    3. Established to allow for the creation of new programs, services and offices that will functionally and structurally align within the proposed division.

  5. Established to work seamlessly and synergistically with the Division of Academic Affairs, Division of University Advancement, and Division of Administrative Services and Finance. 
  6. The Marketing & Communications and the Data Reporting & Analytics areas are shown as two distinct areas / functions that need dedicated staff to support this proposed Division.
    1. The SS-EMATF did not determine whether these functions should be fulfilled by a centralized or decentralized unit that already exists at FGCU.
  1. The proposed new division would have a Vice President, reporting to the President, leading all aspects of it.  The structure and function of the current Division of Student Affairs would be re-organized into the proposed new division.
  2. A specific staffing plan or organizational chart was not established nor determined for the structural and functional framework that has been proposed.
Academic EngagementThe focus of Academic Engagement at FGCU is to augment and enrich students’ learning experiences both within and beyond the classroom. Academic Engagement provides academic opportunities for students to become involved in high impact practices that lead to transformational learning, such as undergraduate research, study abroad, internships, tutoring, mentoring, supplemental instruction, service learning, and academic advising. The deep intellectual involvement that arises from these collaborative and other academic experiences equips students to excel by acting as thoughtful, engaged, and knowledgeable contributors to the university’s academic culture, the SW Florida region, and the greater society. Collaborate » Innovate » Transform.Student EngagementThe focus of Student Engagement at FGCU is to create an inviting campus that provides a variety of extra-curricular opportunities for students to become involved. Student Engagement encompasses providing support and resources to support all of the needs for a student to be successful. Together, a campus culture will be established that allows for all students to develop a deep and valued connection to the university community that will directly translate into greater success.Enrollment ManagementThe focus of Enrollment Management at FGCU is, first and foremost, to recruit and enroll the best-fit students who will have a high probability of student success. Policies and procedures will be refined and developed that will promote persistence to graduation in a timely fashion for all undergraduate and graduate students through their programs.
The following file represents the structural and functional conceptual framework for the proposed Division of Student Success and Enrollment Management as well as the three specific functional areas (Enrollment Management, Student Engagement, Academic Engagement). This framework was developed by the SS-EMATF based on analyzing previous work performed by Task Force on Student Success Report (May 5, 2017) which included the following workgroups: Student Progress, Faculty Involvement, and Advising. Moreover, previous documents reflecting work performed by committees in the past related to Student Engagement, Student Persistence, Enrollment Management and Online Education were also analyzed.  
 View Final Report to President Martin

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