Eagle Career Network
Gain access to FGCU's 16,000 hard-working students through Eagle Career Network, your venue to advertise full-time, part-time, and internship positions. Posting is free and is a great way to easily reach FGCU students and alumni.
All employers that utilize Eagle Career Network accept that the information contained in the system is for the sole purpose of employment-related activities only. Florida Gulf Coast University reserves the right to deny access to any employer that abuses the system or posts intentionally inaccurate or misleading information. Employers are expected to respect the privacy of student / alumni information and proceed with due professionalism. All employers utilizing ECN are expected to adhere to the Principles for Ethical Professional Practice provided by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
If your company has not previously established an Eagle Career Network account, you will need to start with this step. If your company has already established a profile, and you as an individual need access to that profile, please email us to request access.
- To create your company profile, go to Eagle Career Network and select the Employers / Organizations / Non-Profit Agencies tab.
- Select the "Sign Up" option.
- Fill out the Employer Information form with as much information as possible. It is important for your campus brand recognition that you be as specific about your company as possible in this section.
- When filling in your contact information, use your company email address. Registrations with personal emails are subject to be rejected.
- In order to protect our students from fraudulent advertisements, all new employer registrations will be reviewed by a member of our staff before access to the system is granted. Please allow 2-3 business days for this process to occur.
- Once your account has been approved, you'll receive an email with an account activation link.
If you have already established an Eagle Career Network account, you will be able to post jobs and internships to our students and alumni. In order to post a position, you must be logged into the platform using your account credentials.
- Once you are signed in to the system, look for the "Jobs & Internships" heading on your landing page.
- Select the "Create Job Posting" option.
- Complete the requested information on the form. We recommend providing plenty of detail in your job description to make your posting as attractive to students/alumni as possible.
- In the Applications Instructions section, please be very specific on what you expect applicants to do as students will be contacting you / your company directly to apply. Career Development Services acts only as a referral service and cannot accept or monitor applications on behalf of your company.
- Once you submit your position, it will be reviewed by a member of our staff within 1-2 business days to ensure it complies with all posting guidelines. If approved, your position will be available for our students / alumni to view until you delete the posting or it expires.
Please note that Career Development Services acts only as a referral service and makes no particular recommendations regarding students. CDS is also unable to research the background of each individual applying for a job with you. Therefore, you, the employer, must undertake this responsibility yourself.
- Unpaid internship postings with "for-profit" employers that do not meet the criteria established by the U.S. Department of Labor's Fair Labor Standards Act are not permitted.
- Work in private homes for childcare, yard work, moving, maintenance, or other odd jobs are not permitted. Individuals seeking to advertise these types of opportunities should inquire with QuadJobs about advertising their opportunity.
- Positions that pay in cash or under the table are not permitted.
- Positions offering compensation lower than the U.S. Department of Labor's Guidelines for Federal Minimum Wage are not permitted. Additionally, employing organizations advertising positions within the State of Florida must meet Florida Minimum Wage Requirements.
- Positions that violate the Fair Labor Standards Act, discriminate against individuals with protected group status, do not comply with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) standards, or violate any other federal or state employment laws are not permitted.
- Positions from third-party recruiters that do not identify the employer name or require an applicant paid fee are not permitted.
- Positions from Network Marketing Companies are not permitted. Network Marketing Companies
are defined as those companies that engage in any of the following activities:
- Sponsoring individuals to set up their own business for the purpose of selling products or services and / or recruiting other individuals to set up their own business
- Requiring an initial investment such as payment of a fixed fee, payment to attend orientation or training session(s), and / or the purchase of a starter kit or inventory
- Offering compensation in the form of straight commission, fees from others under their sponsorship in the organization, and / or a percentage of sales generated by others
- Offering compensation in the form of merchandise or other non-monetary compensation
Interested in Hiring an Intern
Connect with the Office of Internships and Cooperative Programs for more information on FGCU-affiliated internships.

If you need assistance with posting a job or have a question about the best way to increase your campus brand awareness, contact me for assistance. I serve as the head of our employer relations team, and am happy to help connect you to our students and alumni.”